The doe series were developed during the 2008.
the most important changes are the use of soft ground techniques to get a pencil quality in the final print and the use of Okawara paper as a surface for this image.
Hybrids are interesting subjects of my art work, since they different qualities are put together, to give human qualities to animals and give animal qualities to humans.
Herd 2007 Soft ground and polyester litho plate

Near the wild heart 2008 installation detail
Gaze 2008 soft ground on Kitakata paper. Courtesy of Flatbed Press
Doe Moss 2008 soft ground. Courtesy of Flatbed Press
Ombre gardienne 2008 soft ground. Courtesy of Flatbed Press
Belle 2008 Dry point, roller and stencil
Biche 2008 etching and roller